Processes of embodiment at borders: Tanja Ostojić and the minimal difference

A photograph titled Black Square on White was taken in the 1990s, featuring the black pubic hair of performer Tanja Ostojić styled in the form of a «Malevich» square (a black square centered in the middle of a white plane) and organized in a composition with her white skin, the Mound of Venus.
Kazimir Malevich’s Black Square is one of the most famous creations of Russian art in the last century. The first Black Square was painted in 1915, beginning a turning point in the development of Russian avant-garde. Black Square against a white background became the symbol, the basic element in the system of the art of suprematism, the step into the new art. Being one of the elementary forms, the square embodied the idea of collective work that was of great importance to Malevich.

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