Mécia Sara De Sa Ramos// Word4word

The  project (www.word4wordproject.com/044x.pdf) is a data visualization prototype built to inform research around time-based patterns of information distribution and accumulation in online news media. The system aims to provide a user with a tool based on information aesthetics that simplifies idea connections, trend spotting and historic news flow analysis.

Understanding how these online news media propagate information between themselves and the public over time allows us to build a better image of our surrounding information environment and improve our relationship with information.

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Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. naia. (2009, agosto 07). Mécia Sara De Sa Ramos// Word4word . Retrieved febrero 05, 2025, from Arteleku.net Web site: http://2003.arteleku.net/arteleku/laboratories/laboratory-of-art-and-technology/archive/information-kinetics-egoviz/selected-projects/mecia-sara-de-sa-ramos-word4word. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License