Natali Canas del Pozo, Lucas Echeveste Lacy // Next museum arteleku

Next Museum presents the hypothesis that the next museum will not be a physical structure that contains objects, as is the traditional museum, but rather a new flexible structure which contains interactive data, called an Interactive Database Museum.  ARTELEKU will be the cultural institution to experiment with this idea and we will work with its digital database to construct a prototype Interactive Database Museum.

The roles of curator, creator and visitor blur and intersect in this new museum concept. The visitor becomes an integral part of the creative and curatorial system, creating his or her own routes and narratives around the museum. 


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Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. naia. (2009, agosto 07). Natali Canas del Pozo, Lucas Echeveste Lacy // Next museum arteleku . Retrieved julio 17, 2024, from Web site: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License