Daniel Rojas // Sociograma interactivo

Installation project to display the relationships that are established between individuals who share a common physical space. The participants are the nodes of a network, around which graphics are generated, representing the role and the links established between them. Via body movements, captured with an overhead camera, the users make choices or preferences between themselves. This data is processed and an image is projected upon the participants themselves as the events unfold. This is an interactive sociogram which is created and dynamically modified in real time.


Dokumentu Akzioak
Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. naia. (2009, agosto 07). Daniel Rojas // Sociograma interactivo . Retrieved febrero 05, 2025, from Arteleku.net Web site: http://2003.arteleku.net/arteleku/laboratories/laboratory-of-art-and-technology/archive/information-kinetics-egoviz/selected-projects/daniel-rojas-sociograma-interactivo. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License