Numax, our university: Conversation with Joaquim Jordà. Marina Garcés

In 1979, Joaquim Jordà filmed a documentary about the experiment in self-management that the workers at the Numax electrical appliance factory carried out in response to the attempt by its owners to close it down in an irregular manner. The documentary was made with the express wish of the Workers’ Committee at Numax which, when the filming was almost completed, decided to invest the last 600,000 pesetas from the strike fund in recording the process that they had all been involved in.

Now, Joaquim Jordà has filmed Veinte años no es nada (Twenty years is nothing), a documentary that aims to reconstruct the history of the last twenty-five years of Spain by taking the lives of the people involved in this experiment in self-management at the Numax factory as a starting point.

Marina Garces_eng.pdf — PDF document, 97Kb
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