Encounters with illustrators at ARTELEKU: Illustration using optical objects from before the appearance of films
WHEN AND WHERE: From 26 to 30 November, Arteleku
Kristobaldegi 14
20014 Donostia
Before the appearance of films, the idea was to use a number of optical objects to capture the sensation of movement, insinuating change or suggesting three-dimensionality to astonish spectators. At this workshop, we take another look at those lights and shadows, transparencies and overlays, tabs and spy holes that take us into the world of illusion.
Magic lanterns, diaphanoramas, dioramas, zoetropes, small paper theatres, panoramic depth viewers, etc. will be the starting points for a variety of exercises.
Elena Odriozola
Gustavo Puerta
During the workshop, we will examine other ways of understanding and experiencing children's literature and its illustration.
CHARACTER BUILDING: We will deal with a problem we consider widespread: the proliferation of flat, rigid characters. To do so, we will develop gadgets such as rotating disks, removable images or notebooks with changeable strips to give characters independence and foster their autonomy.
The action and construction of the narrative conflict: We will do exercises in which we can use the creation of diaphanoramas, zoetrope strips and magic lantern plates to explore the cores of our characters and how to express them.
Scenographic proposal: We will analyse spatial relations and the creation of atmospheres.
We want to use all this to offer illustrators the tools they need to deal with the creation of an album-book and, at the same time, we propose a number of artistic and ludic experiences.
We will visit the Zarautz Photomuseum.
12 participants (draughtsman/draughtswomen)
General terms and conditions of participation:
Participants must be from the Basque Country
Credit will be given for being a member of Galtzagorri
Credit will be given for being a member of the Professional Association of Illustrators of Euskadi
Free training for the 12 individuals selected by the jury. Therefore, they will have a grant for training at this workshop and view and develop the characters created at it.
The draughtsman/draughtswomen will have to create a character and send their drawings, together with the following documentation:
Curriculum Vitae
Photocopy of their national identity document
E-mail address
Telephone number
Three copies must be sent on CD to the following address:
Galtzagorri Elkartea:
Zemoria kalea, 25, behea.
20013 Donostia
Applications must be submitted before 24 August 2012.
The decision will be published on 14 September 2012.
Galtzagorri Elkartea
Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa