Substractive Cutting workshop with julian roberts

The workshop will be taught by Julian Roberts, artist, fashion designer and tutor for the MA Textiles at the Royal College of Art in London.

The workshop explores the creative and artistic applications in the textile media of the “Substractive Cutting”, an innovative pattern technique developed by Julian Roberts. 


Julian Roberts. London. Artist, fashion designer and teacher.
As a teacher he has taught at Manchester Metropolitan University and currently is tutor for MA Textiles at the Royal College of Art in London.

He has offered Substractive Creating workshops in centers such as Central Saint Martins in London, Hertfordshire and University of Glasgow School of Art in the United Kingdom, University of Indiana in the United States or in Mexico Centro University.
As a fashion designer he has presented his collections at London and Paris Fashion Weeks under different names: nothing nothing, Julian And, Parc des Expositions, Julian and Sophie ... It is, moreover, video creator, illustrator and graphic designer and fashion consultant for the British BBC.


Links to Julian Roberts:

Link to MID_E:




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Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. naia. (2009, agosto 06). Substractive Cutting workshop with julian roberts. Retrieved septiembre 01, 2024, from Web site: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License