Celso Sánchez Capdequí

Bilbao. A philosopher and Doctor of Sociology (Public University of Navarre), he studied at the New School For Social Research (New York) and at German universities in Frankfurt (Goethe University) and Bielefeld. He has published the books, Imaginación y sociedad (Tecnos, Madrid, 1999) and Las máscaras del dinero (Anthropos, Barcelona, 2004). He has also taken part in the Diccionario de Hermenéutica (P. Lanceros & A. Ortiz-Osés published by Univ. Deusto, Bilbao, 1996) with the word, “Imaginary” and in Claves de Hermenéutica (P. Lanceros & A. Ortiz-Osés, published by Univ. Deusto, Bilbao, 2005) with the word, “Culture”. He has coordinated the monograph Cornelius Castoriadis. La pluralidad de los imaginarios sociales en la modernidad (Anthropos, nº 198, 2003). His scientific interest has focused on the imaginary creativity of the human condition in artistic, social and religious spheres.

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