2009AnimacThis year Animac at Arteleku, will be providing the opportunity to get to know the work of the independent animators Phil Mulloy and Vera Neubauer; also, a workshop on music and animation lead by Coke Rioboó will give the chance to have a «hands-on» experience with animation; and fi nally, the screening of a selection of international short fi lms will put the spotlight on the current independent animated fi lm scene. FUEL FOR ANIMATIONThis workshop will focus on various creative techniques and processes within non-traditional animation. Vera Neubauer and Phil Mulloy’s work is the result of the creative freedom of plastic artists and rigorousness of the craft of cinematographic language. Taller de técnicas de animación directa (bajo la cámara)El objetivo del taller consiste en desarrollar el sentido del movimiento y ritmo utilizando diversas técnicas de animación directa. Document Actions |