You will need to have an artistic project to use the lithography workshop and send the dossier to  litografia@arteleku.net.

You will need to have  the basic technical know-how to use the workshop.

The schedule for using the facilities will be agreed with the workshop manager, who will be present at the printing process.

With regard to the material, the user shall provide the aluminium plate to be used as the matrix and the printing paper that you are going to use as a medium. The workshop has the other basic materials needed for the procedure. The user will have to provide any other additional materials required.

The person using the workshop will be responsible for the correct use of the materials, as well as for cleaning the area and items that they use every day.

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Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. maitane. (2012, junio 04). TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USING LITOGRAPHY WORKSHOP. Retrieved julio 17, 2024, from Arteleku.net Web site: http://2003.arteleku.net/arteleku/laboratories/graphic-workshops/lithography/terms-and-conditions-for-using-litography-workshop. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License