Animac in Arteleku
Children's Program | Presentations | Projections
02/03/2010 - 06/03/2010

Animac in Arteleku


"Truth has fallen". Sheila Sofian


Arteleku. 2 March.  19h.

Presentation at the expense of Sheila Sofian of the short in construction "Truth has Fallen" and a selection of shorts of animation realized by the authoress.

 "Truth Has Fallen", a work-in-progress, is a one hour 35mm live action/animated documentary which follows the work of James McCloskey. Mr. McCloskey founded Centurion Ministries, whose mission is to free prisoners who have been wrongfully convicted of murder. Employing a combination abstract, surreal animation and live action images, "Truth Has Fallen" asks how innocent people could be convicted of murder- what could be done to prevent such injustices in the future- and what happens to these innocent people after they are released from prison after years of incarceration?


Survivors, USA, 1997, 00:16:00

A Conversation with Haris, USA, 2001, 0:06:00

Truth Has Fallen, USA,2009, 0:08:00

Faith & Patience, USA,1991, 0:05:30



Brou Animac



3 March. 19h

Selection of the best works presented in Animac 2010 - Mostra Internacional of Cinema D'Animació de Catalunya.

Regarder Oana, Sébastien Laudenbach, Francia-Bélgica, 2008, 0:14:43

Please Say Something, David Oreilly,  Alemania-Irlanda, 2009, 0:10:00

Luis, Lucia y el lobo, Chile,  0:07:53

Western Spagetti, PES, USA, 2008, 0:01:45

Molt bé les campanes, Laura Ginès / Pere Ginard, España, 2009, 0:01:30

Salsito, Sandra Ortuño / Víctor Gil, España, 2009, 0:03:23

Ohus (In the Air), Martinus Klemet, Estonia, 2009, 0:08:38

La Carte, Stefan Le Lay, Francia, 2009, 0:07:40

Slavar, Hanna Heilborn / David Aronowitschi, Suecia, 2008, 0:15:57



The lost objects of childhood




4 March 19h.

Selection of shorts curated by Deborah Levy

The idea that repressed anxieties and desires are embodied by objects is well established in the literature of psychoanalysis. The films selected for The Lost Objects of Childhood broaden the application of this dynamic to animation. These five films resemble postmodern fairy tales for adults. Their subject is often the experience of childhood - its passions, longings, mysteries and magical thinking. Some of the films take place in domestic enviroments that offer surreal possibilities, others in landscapes that juxtapose social realities with imagined worlds. All of the films share an interest in creating a visual grammar for the unconscious.

Elsewhere, Hiraki Sawa, Reino Unido, 0:12:00

Hot milk Madonna, Pia Borg / Deborah Levy, Reino Unido, 2009, 0:03:33

Mushroom thief, Joan Ashworth, Reino Unido, 2010, 0:07:00

How Mermaids breed, Joan Ashworth, Reino Unido, 2002, 0:09:40

The Sandman,  Rich Ragsdale, Estados Unidos, 0:05:05

Drawing class, Pooja Pottenkulam, Reino Unido, 2005, 0:03:19

Nap, Pooja Pottenkulam, Reino Unido, 2006, 0:04:06

The Willful Child, Joshua Trees / Yvan Martinez, Reino Unido, 2009, 0:02:10



"A belated premier". Victor Bocharov



5 March.   19h.

Documentary about the dancer, choreographer and Russian entertainer Alexander Shirayev (1867-1941). Pupil of Marius Petiba and the first dancer of the Ballet Marynski company. In 1906 Alexander Shirayev took a cinema camera and documented the traditional dances of the Russian folklore. At the same time he developed a rudimentary but precise skill of drawing and of animation of dolls with which he obtained extraordinary results. This file of dances and dances of great both artistic and anthropologic value is a memory of the history of the dance and a reference that continues being in use nowadays.




Children's program


Linterna mágica (Magic lantern)

6 March. 15h - 18h

Infantile workshop offered by Marco Ieie y Stefanino Of Angelis (6 - 12 years old)

This workshop teaches story telling and solving riddles by playing with Chinese shadows and optical toys. A fantastic journey through the period prior to films, where the participants will be able to recreate and think up stories using the device that preceded film making. The participants (adults and children) will learn to build up a performance based on acting, painting, sound, voice and the light movement.



Petit Animac


6 March. 18h

Selection of the best independent productions made during the past year aimed at children.

El ultimátum evolutivo, Pablo Llorens; ES, 2010; 0:10:00

Murphy’s Shorts, Todd Hemker; USA, 2010; 0:02:17
Laufende Geschäfte (A moving bussiness), Falk Schuster; DE, 2010; 0:08:34
Chyt’te ho! (Catch him!), Boris Sima; SK, 2008; 0:18:00
BOB, Jacob Frey/Harry Fast; DE, 2010; 0:03:15
Trébuchet, Iris Alexandre; BE, 2010; 0:03:53
Forming game, Malcolm Sutherland; CA, 2008; 0:05:15




Acciones de Documento